We can write custom software for you to merge data from the Ultradata System into any custom form you create. It works similarly to the CD Renewal program.

Here is how it works:

1) You generate the data files by running a recall program or a pre-scripted program (like CU92). Save the output to a flat file.

2) Create the document you'd like the data merged into. We can send you templates or compliant forms if needed.

Send the flat file and document to us and we'll run the merge for you according to your specs. We can send you back the results in a variety of formats including PDF, printed paper, html for email attachments, etc. Just let us know what you're looking for.

Forms Design, Inc.
Office: 616.866.2505
Fax: 240.206.3225
6091 Belding Road. NE
Rockford MI 49341