Signature Pads
If you are looking into signature capture, we have some good news for you. If you buy the signature pads from us, we will provide you with the necessary additional programming to your existing and new forms for free! Best of all, we sell all of these signature capture pads at the lowest price you'll find. Please click here for pricing and placing your order online.
Here is some info from D+H on how the signature capture process works. Your best bet is to contact your D+H field rep to get the most up to date information. Signature Capture and Member Identification functions within FSPUltraData Enterprise Core® has expanded its support for signature devices used to identify members and to capture signatures within FSP. Support is available now for the following features for the indicated devices under a thin client (Citrix, Microsoft Terminal services) and thick client environments. FSP functions
Thin/Thick Client Environments
Device connectivity options
Note: Within the thin client (Citrix and Terminal Services) environment, at this time only COM connectivity option is available. USB connectivity is not available because of the limitation in the thin client server software.
Customers who wish to use this enhanced functionality must be on at least Release 18.10 or later. |